Saturday, November 14, 2015

10 quotes I loved from books I read in 2015

Sometimes I'm a loser and do things like accidentally hit "publish" on a post that's supposed to go up on a Tuesday instead of on a Saturday. So I apologize if you are seeing this twice. And other times I'm a loser because I link the wrong post. 

This weeks Top Ten Tuesday is: Top 10 quotes I loved from books read in 2015.
Here are my fav quotes that stuck out to me the most or they just give me all the feels! Enjoy.


What quotes were your fav of 2015? Did we have any of the same quotes? Don't forget to leave a link to your TTT post! 


  1. Those are some quotes from some AMAZING books! I loved Since You've Been Gone, Finding Audrey and The Wrath and the Dawn!! I have yet to read Shatter Me but those quotes make me want to run out and buy the books right now!
    Jenna @ Reading with Jenna

  2. Omg, such feels from so many of these. :') *sniffles* I LOVE the Tahereh Mafi ones...omg she totally GETS books, right?! Those quotes are just so so entirely relatable.
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!
