The covers and titles are linked to the Goodreads summaries.

The Archived 4 stars: I FINALLY got to read a book by Victoria Schwab! I admit I couldn't get into the beginning of this book because I was in a weird reading slump from reading An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir AKA easily one of my favorite reads of 2015, but I eventually got sucked into the Archived world and I don't even know when it happened. While reading, I kept getting a Ghost Whisperer/CSI type of vibe which was the best because I love those shows. I love this book, I love the world, and I love Wesley Ayers. Tall, spiky hair, and guyliner aren't really my type of thing in a guy, but Wesley Ayers is an exception.
The Unbound 5 stars: This book made me understand why everyone loves Victoria Schwab and her writing style. I didn't quite see it in The Archived, but I definitely saw it in this one. I completely love the interactions between Mac and Wes...they are the best!!! I thought Wes couldn't get any better, but then I read this book...once again, Wes Ayers aka Guyliner is everything. I'm hoping there will be a third book because I need more Mac+Wes in my life along with a setting that reminds me of Ghost Whisper.
Adaline Falling Star 5 stars: It's a long story to explain, but this book holds a special place in my heart and I finally had the chance to reread it after like 5 years.
A Monster Calls 4 stars: This story was beautiful and the illustrations were the best. I loved the Monster and also Connor, but seeing go through his internal struggles was kind of heartbreaking. I believe this book is being turned into a movie that will come out next year so that's exciting!
The Raven Boys 4 stars & The Dream Thieves 3 stars & Blue Lily, Lily Blue 4 stars: I finally read the first three books in The Raven Cycle!! I've been meaning to read these books since like January. These were some good reads, but I wasn't blown away by them. They were the type of books that I liked and enjoyed just not loved. I think the reason for that is because Maggie Stiefvater's writing style isn't really for me and I was constantly getting confused in the first book, but eventually I familiarized myself with it. The story is really unique, but I don't understand the plot too much, it's the characters that make me really enjoy this series. Plus, The Dream Thieves contains one of the most devastating kisses that I have ever read in my life!!!! FYI, I am slightly obsessed with Blue and also Gansey. Those two just give me life right now
The Wrath & the Dawn 5 stars: I never planned to read this book, but then I saw a lot of people really enjoyed this book plus Marie Lu and Marie Rutkoski blurbed it so I gave in. I'm SO glad I read it because it is one of my favorite reads of 2015. It's so beautifully written and the descriptions of the food and clothing are the best because they create such a vivid picture in my mind. and who doesn't like vivid descriptions of food? The culture was also super interesting. The characters were just WOW. THE ENDING and THE SHORT EXCERPT FOR THE 2ND BOOK...I CAN'T EVEN WITH MY EMOTIONS RIGHT NOW. I AM NOT OKAY. I JUST
What books did you read in October?