1) The final book in The 5th Wave series by Rick Yancey just got a title!!!

It's called...DRUM ROLL......
This is the perfect title and I love it! It was actually my guess for the title and what do ya know, I guessed correctly.
Now, let's just take a moment to appreciate how AWESOME Rick Yancey is for uploading a video for us. I love this man!
2) The cover reveal for the fourth book in the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas {here's my spoiler free review for Throne of Glass}
*angels singing*

This cover is just pure cover perfection! Celaena looks super kick-butt!!! Can it be September 1st already?

3) Stephanie Perkins will be editing and also contributing a short story to Summer Days & Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories. The amazing Cassandra Clare, Veronica Roth, and a bunch of other cool authors will also be contributing stories to this book!
2016 needs to come sooner.
4) It was announced that the covers for The Mortal Instruments series and The Infernal Devices series will be changing. Here's the new cover for City of Bones, which will release in September 2015.

Hmmm, not sure how I feel about this because I love the covers how they are right now, but I do like how it says A SHADOWHUNTERS NOVEL on the side. I'm not really digging the font or color of the title and I'm not digging how Jace looks. And what is that stuff coming out of his hands? Is Jace now some kind of warlock? Maybe I'll like the covers for the rest of the series, but we'll see.
Anyways, I wonder how the covers for The Dark Artifices series will look now...
What bookish news are you excited for?